Coming in the Spring 2012 – Information on the 2012 Grow Local Challenge – Trade Your Foodmiles for Foodsteps…

A regional effort, a project of the Southeastern Massachusetts Council on Sustainability – Food&Ag working group, to document the productivity of our local farms and gardens and reduce our regional energy consumption related to food.

School and community gardens, commercial farms, and backyards are all valuable sources of community. deep nutrition, healthy food, connection, and knowledge for our community.  Let’s invest our time and energy in stewarding these resources for future generations.

  • Resources for Local Growers  – including local apprenticeships, degree programs, and garden workshops.
  • How much food and nutrition does your garden provide?  Help us gather data for local production in 2012.
  • We challenge you to:  support our local farms, plant a new vegetable garden, transition land into active production; volunteer at a community farm, join the school garden movement, celebrate healthy meals made with local produce.
  • A vision for Southeastern Massachusetts sustainable agriculture production in 2020.
  • Continuing a conversation about the economic, environmental, and health benefits of local agriculture.

To get involved, please contact the farm at 508-992-1868 or email derek.